Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture
Admission policy
At the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, we aim to teach students to possess expertise in civil and environmental engineering and architecture in order to build high-quality, comfortable urban environments; safe and reliable social infrastructure; to protect the environment; and to have the ability to build a sustainable society in harmony with nature.
Based on these ideas, we are looking for the following kinds of people:
- 1People with deep interests in building a society in harmony with the environment; disaster prevention and urban planning to make safer, more appealing places to live; and the designs and technologies need to create attractive and comfortable buildings and urban environments, and who have the motivation to want to obtain the knowledge and skills to accomplish these.
- 2People who possess highly ethical perspectives and have a strong intention to work in the future to improve human livelihood and society.
- 3People who are curious, questioning, and have a love of learning, who foster cooperation to work together with a variety of people tackle problems, and who have the ability to think logically and independently and act on it.
- 4People who understand the basic subjects covered in classes taken through high school, who, in addition to mathematics and science, can continue to improve their information literacy and foreign language skills as methods of communication, and who can continue to work hard to improve their creative and artistic elements that form the basis of craftsmanship.